As the series sits currently in 1982, Sophie Walten is 22 years old and lives with her girlfriend Jenny Letterson at the Entfernt Hotel in Brighton, MI. Not much is known about Sophie's past in the story as of now, though there are bits and pieces of information to pull from. Sophie was born in 1960 and is the eldest daughter of Jack and Rosemary Walten, Sophie had two younger siblings--Edd and Molly--and had a close relationship with her mother Rosemary growing up. Jack played a slightly more distant role in her life, and at this point remains someone that Sophie remembers very little about aside from impersonal detail. As a whole, Sophie's childhood was likely ordinary, with two caring parents and a relatively quiet upbringing.
On May 2nd, 1974, Edd and Molly were killed in a drunk driving incident in St.Juana's Forest caused by Jack's best friend and business partner Felix Kranken. Felix survives the accident, and beyond this point things get a bit fuzzy. Around 8 weeks following the incident Jack disappears and Bon's Burgers is opened to the public, soon followed by the disappearance of his wife Rosemary and a number of employees, with Felix being the only person remaining aside from Sophie. Somewhere between June 1974 to April 1977 Sophie begins taking a medication which assists in suppressing her memory, it is currently unknown what this medication is intended for or why she started taking it, but it could possibly be some form of antidepressants or antipsychotics.
Sophie begins to forget a majority of her childhood and teenage years shortly after, and when interrogated on April 5th of 1977 about the disappearance of her family is unable to answer. Sophie's wereabouts between 1974 and 1980 are relatively vague, but we do know that at 19 sophie had been living in the back of a butcher shop for 3 years. From '79-'81 she worked at a local pizza place for a short time as well. By 1982 Sophie is living with her partner, who on October 15th introduces her to an arcade cabinet installed in the basement of the hotel titled Bunnyfarm. Throughout her gameplay, the cabinet slowly begins to display events and information about many of the Bon's Burgers victims in varying degrees of clarity as Sophie starts to remember events from the past she had heretofore forgotten.
Aside from a few short scenes from taking place after this event, we have very little current information on Sophie past this point, at least until the next episode. From episode 1 however, there is foreshadowing of what is perhaps future events regarding Sophie, with a short cutaway of her in a purple facility caretaker uniform as Bon, the titular animatronic of Bon's Burgers, looms behind her.
Going off of the casting call for Sophie, she is described as quiet and someone who generally isn't paying attention most of the time. Along with this, she can be described as intensely introverted and aloof, typically preferring to keep to herself. She likely suffers from anxiety, depression, PTSD, and possibly psychosis as detailed in a cancelled book for the original fangame The Walten Files is based off of, depicting Sophie's inner turmoil and experiences from 1974 to 1982. In the book itself she slowly loses grasp on reality, and the novel ends with her being institutionalized for 2 years due to her mental state. It is unclear if this will be adapted into The Walten Files as the book remains unfinished.
According to Martin Walls, Sophie has a temper inherited from her father and is likely no-nonsense in attitude like her mother. In most canonical depictions of Sophie from both Martin himself and those who work on the series alongside him, she is usually scowling/frowning, so it could be assumed she is often in an irritable or melancholic mood. When Sophie feels she is doubted by Jenny, she immediately spirals and assumes the worst, alluding to a more sensitive nature. Despite this, Sophie is intensely curious as shown by her perseverance in Bunnyfarm. Martin has stated that she hates lying, however has described her as "very mischievous".