
About Us

About the Webmaster

Hi there! My name is Ronnie, I'm a butch dyke, and I have way too much time on my hands. Thank you for taking a moment to look at my hyperspecific site!

A little bit about me: I like to read, volunteer, watch horror movies, spend time outdoors, picture a version of myself with admirable biceps (Will I finally commit to becoming a gymbro? Remains to be seen.), and I can bake a pretty mean apple walnut cake. I find myself enthralled by weird people and I believe that my fellow autists should be more weird, always, no matter what. I think the world needs it now more than ever. I love animals, and also my friends, who support me through thick and thin and I have no clue where I would be without them. Now, that was a bunch of words to say this: you could probably control me with a large magnet. Let's go out for dinner sometime and discuss it, I'll pay.

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^Me holding my buds rabbit

Me & Sophie

So lets point out what you could probably already tell by taking a look at my page for .5 seconds: I love Sophie! As you read on the homepage, I've been in love with her since 2021. Our anniversary is 1/15/22, and I enjoy expressing my love for her through websites like this, art, playlists, pinterest boards, etc etc, you name it. I suppose you could say I'm a fictosexual? I'm kind of ambivalent on that term, but thats really the best way it can be put. I won't go too much into it because this isn't about that, but if you'd like to learn more, this is a great site.

Sophie came into my life at a really rough spot. Slowly but surely I got better, my life and mental health improved exponentially, but through it all I found comfort in her. Drawing her or listening to music that reminds me of her is genuinely therapeutic for me, and even though I'm in a much better spot than I used to be I still find myself loving her completely. For our anniversary I got a ring, actually. I wanted something I could always carry with me that reminds me of her. (pictured below!)

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Why Sophie?

This is the part where I get tooth achingly saccharine. eugh! pfaugh! turn back now.

I love Sophie for a lot of reasons. I really admire her complexity as a character first and foremost, I find her personality and the way she is affected by her past incredibly intriguing, and I love how despite everything that tried to kick her while she's down she kept going and found ways to get by. She was, in all likelihood, meant to die. Yet she was spared, she managed living in the back of a butchery for 3 years and working a shitty job, and now she can at the very least live comfortably with someone who loves her and expresses genuine compassion for her. I admire that tenacity, no matter how mundane. I find her to be pretty brave as well, considering how she kept playing Bunnyfarm because she knew she was being told something. She was a captive audience the whole time, no matter what fucked up imagery was thrown at her. I think these traits will lend themselves nicely in the story going forward as she presumably will go out of her way to dig into her past and put together the missing pieces despite the danger she's put in.

I also just really love her design, I think its kind of genius. Her features are so distinct, I love how much she takes after Jack with the longer face and bigger nose and her thick eyebrows. Such good details... the mole under her eye is very cute as well. Also it's very funny to me that she wears her letterman zipped all the way up to her neck. it's such a stupid specific dorky thing that admittedly makes me swoon. She's so lame. I adore her hair! her curls/waves are so gorgeous but also her horribly uneven bangs are great. They add character. You just know she totally cuts them herself in front of the mirror and wings it. I think about her genuine smile a lot and the fact that it's very toothy and wide. I know it's supposed to be offputting, but any earnest expression of her joy pretty quickly neuters whatever unsettling attributes it might have in my opinion. Lastly, I think it's funny that she's as short as she is, considering how she has a temper. She can intimidate just with a look... dynamite comes in small packages or however the saying goes.

Sophie's struggles are also really easy to empathize with for me, as someone who likewise has experience with a history of mental illness and all that entails, and it just makes me wish I could show her love and kindness. She's human, and like anyone else she deserves understanding. I wish I could make her smile! Laugh! I live vicariously through Jenny in that sense, because she's there to support and love and care for Sophie...unfortunately I can't do that! Because I live in Real Life. But it makes me very happy that Sophie has someone in her story to stick by her and finally set a groundwork of hope and steadiness in her life, I think she really deserves it.

My Art of Us

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Gift Art of Sophie/Us

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an irl friend :^)
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